I was reading an article from 2009 on tv.com. The article was about how bad CN Real is and how it is killing cartoon Network, yet people were still commenting on it here in modern-day 2014. Most of the comments said "The new shows are bad, I remember (insert show here) back when Cartoon Network was good" but everybody seemed to disagree on which shows were good, which were bad, and even which shows were "new". It caused a big flame war. I decided to post a comment myself. It reads as follows.
Guys, CN Real is gone. cartoon Network has fixed itself. We have Adventure Time, Regular Show, Clarence, Steven universe, uncle Grandpa, Gumball, and many other shows that are hilarious.
Cartoon was selling out in 2009, sure. We all hated it. That "in-between" phase when dexter's Lab, Samurai jack, etc. were off the air, and before Adventure Time came out, cartoon Network went to shit. But it's back now and better than ever.
If you want to watch The Flintstones forever, that's great and all, you have every right to do that. The fact of the matter with older cartoons is that many of the original creators have died/disbanded and can't make the show anymore. If you want cartoon Network to bring all those shows back, look at "The Looney Tunes Show". Cartoon Network brought Looney Tunes back, and in my opinion, it was great. It was every bit as funny as the original, in my opinion. Now many people hated it. Let me explain this:
No matter what happens, not everybody will be satisfied. Even if they played the same old cartoons from ancient times over and over, eventually people would become bored and leave Cartoon Network.
Now, the reason people want the same shows over and over is because people hate change. I don't understand it, not many people do, but it's obvious. People want the same thing over and over again.
Here's an episode of game Theory that ties right into this.
Here is an article entitled "why do we, as humans, hate change?" http://indieauthoryvonnemason.com/2012/04/24/why-do-we-as-humans-hate-change/#comment-11963
The article is pretty genius. It explains that people in the book industry publish the same books over and over, while people buy the same books over and over, and publishers demand that the same books be written over and over because, well, it works. I posted a comment on that article where I mention:
"Look at Call of Duty, it’s the same game year after year. ...Look at popular music, take hip hop as an example. Chief Keef releases pretty much the same song over and over again. Laughin’ to The Bank, La Sosa, etc. The Black Dahlia murder releases an album every two years. although their musical style and skill improves over the years, it stays generally the same. This seems to be the case with pretty much everything, really."
Returning to the discussion of cartoon Network, it has changed, but I think it has changed for the better. i'm not trying to force an opinion on anybody, but think about it. Personally, I used to fall into the same "I hate change" patterns as everybody else. Even as recently as when Uncle Grandpa came out I hated it, just from the commercials, and for no reason. But going through College my mind has opened a lot. I won't go into religion here, but I started looking around at different religions, too. Everybody in College, no matter how old or young, learns that "there are two sides to every story" and we see the other sides of things. It's an eye-opening experience. Sure, maybe a God does exist, and people have every right to believe in whatever God they want. People seem to have this tendency that "I am right" and thus "I am correct, New Cartoon Network sucks, old Cartoon Network IS MY SHIT." when in reality, there are two sides to every story. Many, many people believe that the old Cartoon Network is boring and the new Cartoon Network is awesome. Growing up in the nineties and watching cartoon Network literally my entire life, let me give my personal opinions on shows.
The flintstones - I watched it casually as a child, but was never a big fan.
The Jetsons - Is this just a copy of The Flintstones or what?
Powerpuff Girls - Freakin' great
Samurai Jack - good
Dexter's Lab - Pretty good
Johnny Bravo - Perhaps the single worst animated show to ever air on television. I hated this show when I was a kid and still hate it. Just an awful, womanizing show, and Johnny is a douche.
Cow and Chicken - awful
Ed Edd 'N Eddy - I never really got into it.
Courage the Cowardly Dog - bad bad bad
Codename: Kids Next Door - awesome
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - awful awful
Star Wars Clone wars - snore fest zzzzzzz
Foster's home for imaginary yeah whatever we get it it has a long name - Funny at times, but... Overall just not entertaining or pleasant to look at.
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi - HILARIOUS!! >.< Lol.
Camp Lazlo - also hilarious. I wasted so much time on this one, lol.
My Gym Partner's a monkey - terrible. I didn't like this at all.
Ben 10 - umm.. It was okay, I guess. Not as good as Teen Titans, but good enough, I suppose.
Class of 3000 - I loved this show!
Chowder - Oh god AWFUL.
Flapjack - didn't interest me. Meh.
Regular Show - Love it! Still watch!
The Problem Solverz - This one is universally loathed, and I also hate it. Coincedence, though, I promise.
Amazing world of Gumball - Hilarious! Love this show.
Uncle grandpa - It's really something, but i'm not a big fan.
Steven Universe - Oh my god yes yes yes! This show is amazing! I would love to see more of this kind of unbridled, unchained, unadulterated masterpieces like this. Creativity in it's purest form.
Adventure Time - Probably my favorite thing to come out of cartoon Network ever. probably my favorite creation of western media ever. Just so creative and hilarious, and also has a pretty nice backstory if you can get into the lore. No spoilers here, though. ;)
Tom and Jerry - I watched it when it came on. That series changed hands a lot of times, so it was really hit or miss. Some episodes were downright hilarious, others were incredibly boring, and some were just plain bad.
Annoying Orange - I think it's really funny. It's everthing that it can be. i understand it isn't the same cut and paste skits that were on Youtube, but looking back at the old Youtube skits, they aren't funny anymore. Annoying Orange on Youtube was cool when it came out, but not so much anymore. I watch the cartoon Network Annoying Orange when it comes on, but it eventually became the same thing over and over, so I lost interest. (How interesting is that, that's what this post is about!)
Teen Titans - Awesome. Love this show. One of the best things to come on cartoon Network.
Teen Titans Go - hilarious! it captures the Teen Titans perfectly, and puts them in playful environments! It's like the designers playing around with these characters in a sandbox, and I laugh so hard at every episode. The funniest thing I have seen in ages.
The Garfield Show - it was pretty bad, but every now and then there was a good joke.
Lego Ninjago - I'm really mixed on this one. sometimes i'm just like "WHOA THAT IS SO AWESOME" and sometimes "Oh god, that is so lame".
Dreamworks Dragons - Started off so strong in the first season, with the occasional boring/bad episode. I loved it, mostly. By the time season 2 came around the show was completely washed out and the creators had completely run out of ideas.
Tenkai Knights - I actually like this show. It's a good generic anime-hybrid-thing made by (French? Canadians? Who made this thing?) but it's pretty good for what it is.
Johnny Test - sort of like the original Phineas and Ferb. It can be mildly entertaining but has aged poorly.
The entire Scooby Doo series - i've seen all of them, pup named scooby, mystery incorporated, the new adventures of scooby, all of them. Although some were slightly worse than others, the entire series was just "okay". the original gets props for coming out in like ancient roman times, and Mystery Incorporated gets props for showing daphne in a bikini, but the entire series was really just "okay". My favorite incarnation is "The New Adventures of Scooby Doo". It really felt like they fixed everything that was wrong with the original Scooby Doo, but it was just overall lacking in character and plot.
I could continue, but i've said more than enough. Notice how varied my opinions are? I don't even like "The Jetsons". I sort of liked it a little when I was very young, but usually went outside to play when it came on. Now, I have my opinions. I am sure there are more than a few people who truly believe "The Jetsons is the greatest show ever!" Just as I seem to believe that Adventure Time is one of the greatest shows ever. Everybody has their opinions, that's fine.
People seem to reject change, but there will always be change. As I explained, people die, things grow. If things never changed it would still be like, the stone age. So just chill. You still have your cartoons. If you want to watch the Flintstones for all eternity, live in a cave, never update your computer, and just keep everything the same you are welcome to. But things do change. We wouldn't have TV if things didn't change. There is no detriment, no downfall, humanity isn't falling into a blackhole and neither is cartoon Network. It is all just change. Learn to live with it, or reject it by yourself.